1. Us, the BAGARRE
2. SEAMARK (Ruben, Thomas, Mark, Junior, Ephrain, Mario, John and "the new kid".
3. The floating dock. This is where we are usually. The county is coming next week to fix it because the dock has been terrorized by boaters of the third kind.
4. MAUI this is where the 1956 Criscraft used to be, now it sleeps with the rest of the garbage, what a shame... so much good mahogany.
5. Lily and Allie ( Lily used to be a real good mechanic but was going by the name Ralph and I was told that she was very miserable all the time... now she is very nice, always smiles has a great attitude... her friend Allie, I helped one day starting her car and now we chat every day (almost) about stuff. I am invited over to their boat for dinner. Lily is a very good cook. I can tell because one day she was preparing dinner and the smell coming out from their boat was real fine.
6. Al and Sherry, they are moving and Al used to have a million dollars but now??? Sherry has the oldest profession in the world... they were real worried because of the eviction but I think they found a better spot over by Palowan Way with a pool and better everything.
7. Ernesto, just bought his boat after going through some divorce and this is what he ended up with from all the way from Florida. I am getting to know him because yesterday I was invited to see his boat for the first time. He is an electrical engineer from PERU and knows couple of the cheerleaders from the Raiders through a friend of his. Real nice guy.
8. Top 3 floors belong to the CIA and the rooftop has cameras all over it. We are under surveillance 24/7. These two buildings can be seen from all over. Anyone asks I just tell them that we are between these two buildings.
9. Dave, the only black guy in the area, very nice and smart. He used to live on one of the houseboats belonging to Noel (father of Melony Griffith, producer of the Exorcist, married at one point to Tippi Hedren and now he is a landlord) which almost sank had it not been to Dave who called the sheriff and the fire department, so they were able to save the house boat (to Ruben's dismay I am sure. As I understand the boat has sank 3 times already and Ruben with the help of Junior has to fix it every time and deal with it whenever there is a problem). 80% of Dave's stuff got ruined. I guess Noel felt so bad (the whole story was published in the local paper because it was the dock which exploded and started dragging the boat down, so now we get the county to fix some of the crappy docking we have been dealing with all these years.) that he gave a real good deal on an other houseboat hoping that Dave will not sue. Anyway I like Dave.
10. Chinese JUNK, Sarrah and Dave. The boat has been in a couple of surfing movies and it is the second oldest boat around after our "old girl". The previous owner used to smash right into them almost every time he took the boat out and so they were very happy to see us get the Bagarre. I get all my bottom paint (SEALIFE, which I think is the best bottom paint in the world, he is a distributor for them). Sarrah is on artist and she is going to paint the logo on the back of the boat next time we get hauled out which will have to be at Long Beach City Marina).
11. Koonie, destroyed my dinghy and never even bothered to offer to fix it... I spent 4 hours fixing it and does not know if it'll hold at all.
12. Joseph, comes out every day and is looking for a fight with somebody (he is being kicked out for not paying rent to Noel) so that he could start a lawsuit. He doesn't bother me but I do not trust him.
13. Rachel, pretty funny girl now lives in the fixed up house boat (this is the one which almost sank to the bottom. Dave the guy who works for Armond Hammer Foundation used to live on this boat. Junior did a superior job fixing it up... it was such a mess after the fire department went through it you would not believe it).