Morning crossing with the Hinchcliffers... excellent and lucky to say the least. Got anchorage because the sail vessel was just pulling out as we arrived. Great speed at the crossing, 16 knots range. A day before I replaced the racor filters and cleaned the bottom (spend almost 6 hours) and boy it made a great difference. Basin G is the filthiest lately... I had so much oily s..t on the bottom that it took me a long time to remove it. Anyway Emerald was busy but not so crazy like last year. Anchored in 48 feet of water right next to TETU a really nice vessel from up north. Later on the weekend we asked them for some Olive oil (we ran out) and got them giving us some for cooking. Great neighbors. The two day weekend was all about taking care of BABA. We all pitched in and loved it. No diving but the schedule was packed....