Tuesday, September 17, 2013

still cruising

The music was absolutely the most needed for the Bagarre.  She loved it.  Steven also made us be aware what is perfectly normal to have when entertaining people and going across the Pacific.
Let's see how Darl reacts to it.  I think I know.  Also 4th of July is way past and still nothing permanent. Decisions, decisions...  Amazing weekend,  made some hungarian food too!
And there is nature

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Labor Day 2013

There was a lot of talk this weekend.  Crossing over great, coming back was little rough.  Weather incredible.  Great kayak to Cherry Cove, Fourth of July Cove and Isthmus.  No diving.  :(
Great meals and huge laughs and there was some dancing.
The trip starts out by the Marina not having fuel because of a power outage... ended up doing some fueling by the can... not much but a buffer for sure.

And of course the "aerial"

Monday, August 19, 2013

the Germans and the littlest cutest bravest girl

We had a great crossing but had to find out, once under water that the props were so dirty the engines had to work double time and double hard just to push the boat forward.  Once I saw that, I cleaned them for the crossing back to home.  The Germans were adorable and their little girl was so brave and dealt with the idea of getting her sea legs.  She was sick for two days and thank God for the tent they slept on the beach.  Little did we know that it is not allowed at Emerald Bay. Anyway everyone got better and it worked out fine.  They also met these two guys who Kayaked (!!!!!) across the Pacific.  9 hours later, flipped over only once, they only lost their night blankets.  Of course we gave them a pair so they could be cozy at night.  Great guys, they took 8 hours for the return.  Good job men!  Makes me think how much I want to do the same. Coming back the Ocean was so smooth that it is once in awhile we get to experience this calmness in the afternoon.  Boarding at Chase but the unloading of passengers had to be at Seamark.  Sorry Darl.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013

4th of 2013

Sea trial... after starboard exhaust install.
Everything fine until 10 NM out 5.6 NM
from Paradise Cove.  Starboard side is getting
very hot.  Pulled in to cove to deal with overheat
issue.  First thinking it is impeller but upon tear
down it is gate valve not functioning proper.
Big D is pissed off for not being on boat. My invites
did not result success.  Pissed off for whatever I do
is an old story.

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