Well the crossing was shall we say rather hectic as the Ocean was on the rough mood. There was so much rocking and rolling but the moon shining helped tremendously. Darlene brought her friend Tony along. She used to be a chef so you can imagine the food was incredible. Plus she is very cute, got right on with it. Brought her dog with Jackie O and she was out like a light from all the activity. Visibility in Emerald Bay was +100... like they say September / October is the best. On the way home 7 miles out from MDR we hit something and damaged the starboard side prop to the point that it is turning without the shaft moving... had to come home at 8 knots with one engine. I thank God that this happened in the Bay instead of mid channel. Conditions were rather nice and calm... I did have to get into the water though to check things out. I really wanted to make sure that we did not pick up something very horrible...
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