I do not remember such a cold summer... on the fourth the sun came out only one day the rest was rather cloudy. So last time out my fresh water pump decided to take a dump on us while boating around Catalina Island... here is the impeller from the starboard pump...
We ended up coming back a day early with one engine, cruising about 7 - 7.5 knots. It was very calm so we had an interesting time. We were remembering our sailing days when that would be our speed across the Pacific. It was rather nice and I also had to think about how nice it would have been to have an "emergency sail" set up. I always wanted to make a rig for the crane we have because a rightly designed sail could be used for situations like this. I estimate that it would add about 1/2 knot to the cruising speed. It is rather just a feeling and not a mathematical statement.
Fun all around
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