meanwhile I have a four page long list of things to do before we head out and have those unbelievable weekends. The list is so long that I am afraid to put it on paper... instead I keep chipping away at the "trunk of this gigantic tree". I remember this story about my grandfather where the village where he lived with my grandmother, wanted to get rid of a enormous size and height of a tree and nobody would sign on to the job. Companies with machinery would not take it.... don't know the reason but the point is that my grandfather took the job and cut the tree down and there was all this buzz while he was cutting it down and after when the tree fell... and for my gradfather it was like very natural but he worked his ass off... I remember that.... although I was only 5 or 6 at the time it was a big deal... and he did it with success hence the phrase "chipping away" because that is what it feels like... all week I felt I was in the tunnel and could not see the light...
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