I don't remember seeing this on the survey.... do you? Anyway this is what they used (before us) for the pair of 2800 lbs. DETROIT 671s. Matterial:
plywood. The port side actually started to dig in as you can see it from the photo to the point that the engine was "sitting in the hole"... required clearance is 1/2 inch. The original paint job (14 days in the yard and some $10,000 later) was wiped out because of the excessive rattle and no vibration isolation from the hull... the mid-bearing was also blown because of this. Pisses me off that this is what you get for experience... and that you have to pay for it as well....(our surveyor has the resume of being the best) to me this is more important than any F***ING signage crap and fire extinguisher compliance!!!! and all the other b*llshit. By the way I had to make the engine mounts myself (following the original blueprints from HUCKINS, because they sent it to me... can you imagine... no wonder they have such great reputation) which was quite a challenge but they are all replaced and should make a huge difference.
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